
2 posts

Veeam, StarWind VTL, BackBlaze B2 and a GFS Setup

We’re in the process of configuring our backups for no more off-site physical rotations. There are several ways Veeam v10 allows for direct to block storage but limited to Azure and AWS out of the box. Blog Post: Setting Up a Veeam to StarWind Virtual Tape Library Configuration We set […]

Protecting a Hyper-V Host and Backup Repository from Malware and Ransomware

With the abundance of malware and ransomware it’s absolutely necessary that we take the time to examine our virtualization host and backup structures. Volume Shadow Copies Obviously not a “backup” Most ransomware kills all shadow copies available on a system Backup to Disk/NAS/SAN Disk Rotated NAS/SAN needs to be streamed […]